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Hi Friends and Fellow Dreamers!


My name is Diem.

Yep, like "Carpe Diem!" Which means "Seize the Day," in Latin. Well, I sure am seizing the hell out of each and every day, and I want to show you how to do the same.


I worked for the largest house cleaning company in the US as a Sales Rock-star during my college days.  I figured if I can sell this well, then I ought to start my own business and pay these hardworking maids a lot more money.


After college, in 2011, I started a cleaning company from scratch and grew it to 265 recurring clients with 25 employees in 3 a huge office with a storage room for supplies/equipment and 8 company cars! Oh, and I even had a huge name plate on the side of the building too! It was legit...and I was broke.


What's worse, I couldn't afford to pay the workers any more than my competitors. The overhead expense here in CA is daunting. Finally, when my first Worker's Comp claim occurred, it broke me. The next year, my business was anticipating to generate $750K in revenue. And the Worker's Comp premium? $128K.


After realizing there's a leaner and more efficient way to serve the cleaning industry, I closed down the cleaning company to start a cleaning referral agency. 


Now, I work only 20 hours a week on this business, earning a 6 figure income...and often times, doing it while on vacation. 


I no longer post jobs on Craigslist because new cleaning candidates all come from referrals, which speaks volumes about how the cleaning professionals feel about working with my agency. Last year's retention rate was 87%.


Next, I'd like to start a 3 year semi retirement at age 35, expand my real estate portfolio and grow my vacation rental business. I want to continue taking 3 big trips a year and be the best Auntie for my 2 nephews.


Do you want this kind of life? C'mon, I'll show you how.


















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Former board member of:

  • California Coalition of Domestic Referral Agencies

  • Rohnert Park Chamber of Commerce

  • Women in Business (A Chamber of Commerce Committee)

  • Junior League 

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