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Pricing for Profit

How This Course Works


This course can take you through all the phases of starting a running your own cleaning referral agency. Each lesson (and supporting downloads) can be purchased separately from the shop page (like this lesson here), or altogether assembled into a cohesive, sequential online course found in the "Complete Program" on the shop page. 


If you're already up and running but not sure if you have your foundations properly set up, I would recommend taking this full course. However if you're confident in your foundations, then select only the lessons/content you want to develop more from the shop page.




General Course Introduction

(available to view for free without enrolling)

  • Diem's Story

  • What to expect in this course

  • What exactly is a referral agency and how it works

  • Referral Agency vs Cleaning Company

  • What can a RA do for your quality of life

  • Start up cost & monthly expense​



Pricing for Profit


Failing to implement the right pricing is not only detrimental to your bottom line, it also impacts sales conversion, customer retention and cleaner turnover. 


You may lose a sales bid if your customer perceives your price to be too high, or even too low (doubting your credibility). You may lose a recurring client when they realize from a friend that they've been overpaying. You would likely lose cleaners when they aren't making enough money for their local market, so you better make sure your estimates are aligned with the percentage you intend to pay them to meet their standard of living. And of course if you're not making enough money for profit then your business would cease to exist. 


That is just scratching the surface. Should you pay hourly or a percentage of the job to cleaners? Should you charge clients a flat fee or an hourly rate? How long does it take to clean a home entirely, or just a bathroom, or a kitchen? If you offer a promotional discount, should that effect the cleaner's percentage of pay? Get the answers to these questions and more in this lesson.


Aside from Cleaner Recruitment, I would say pricing is the 2nd most important component to get right. 


Lesson Content



Pricing for Profitability ($299 when sold separately)

  • How to conduct market research in your local area

  • How much to pay cleaners in order to attract talent & increase retention

  • How much to charge clients in order to maximize revenue and close sales

  • How to handle promotional discounts. Should they effect cleaner's pay?

  • Determine hourly rate vs flat rate pricing, which one is better?

  • Pricing grid for online bookings, eliminate over charging or undercharging

  • Downloads Included: Diem's Pricing Parameter& Industry Average Cleaning Times PDF​



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